Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour
Hip Notics Cable Ski tour

Hip Notics Cable Ski tour

Tour Category
Adventure Tours

How can I make a tour reservation?

Write your location (Region, Hotel, Apartment name) in the "From" field and (Tour Name) in the "To" field, specify the number of people, Choose the transfer vehicle that suits you and continue with the reservation.

Tur Detayları

July 26, 2021 Share

Hip-Notics Antalya is called 'Cable Ski' cable ski resort. Wakeboarding and Waterskiing should be your priority. There are 3 artificial lakes and you can use the cables during your holiday in the cable ski facility, which runs continuously from morning to evening at different speeds according to different levels. Apparently, you can wakeboard as much as you want throughout the day, with the fee you will pay to wakeboard for one hour at a normal beach, with a full board stay here for one day.