Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour
Museum Antalya tour

Museum Antalya tour

Tour Category
Museum Tours

How can I make a tour reservation?

Write your location (Region, Hotel, Apartment name) in the "From" field and (Tour Name) in the "To" field, specify the number of people, Choose the transfer vehicle that suits you and continue with the reservation.

Tur Detayları

July 26, 2021 Share
The Antalya Museum consists of 14 exhibition halls in an area of approximately 30 thousand square meters, open-air galleries where sculptures, coins, sarcophagi and various artifacts are exhibited, and a garden. An important part of the works belonging to the periods of Lycia, Pamphylia and Pisidia are exhibited in the Antalya Museum. The sculptures exhibited at the Antalya Museum, which must be seen by history lovers, arouse admiration and interest by all visitors.